Here we are at Ypres - my home for the next seven days.

Monday - A bit of a do nothing day really - but that's what I felt like doing, so I did it.


Tuesday - Went to a couple of WW1 cemeteries on the TCT. 

Some folks got lost, but we all made it back to base.


Wednesday - Ventured off on my own to take a look at the Strepy - Thieu boat lift.

A very impressive piece of engineering. 


Thursday - All day was spent just lazing around on the camp site.


Friday - Had a good look around the museum in town.


Saturday - Filled up with petrol ready for tomorrow.  The weather changed, we had glorious sunshine all week, but tonight it rained.


Sunday - Rain, not what I needed when packing away, and not what I needed for the journey home.

Luckily the rain stopped, and the 289 mile journey home went with no problem.



A slide show of the week's holiday can be found HERE.

A video of the week's holiday can be found HERE.