The B175 and the D14 on their way to the BSAOC open day . . . .the theme of which was "The BSA Bantam"

Tuesday and the car got a new brake light switch.

Wednesday and I shifted my trailers into the garage in readiness for the back garden to be block paved.

Tried the new "Eljay's" - which is called "Harry's Diner"


Thursday and the Guzzi went out for dinner.

I've grown another blister on my left leg - I thought I'd seen the last of those.


Friday and the back garden got dug up and took away - it would seem the rest of the work will be starting on Tuesday.


Sunday and a pair of Bantams head for a day out, taking in the BSAOC event at Market Harborough and then calling in at Foxton locks.

A video can be seen HERE  -  -  - a slideshow can be seen HERE