Snow - Great, just what I could have done without . . . still, it won't last long.

Monday and it was up to the dentist, then over Wednesbury for my shopping . . . it's getting colder out there, and is set to drop even lower.

Tuesday and it was colder - so I stayed indoors all day.

Wednesday and the snow started - I did a bit of work on a Gold Wing trike, then headed back home into the warm

Thursday and last night it dropped to minus 6.4° C  - myself and Andy M were the only two Moonshiners at the club this evening.

Friday was another day of snow - so as you can imagine, not a lot got done.

Saturday and it was still too slippery for my liking - this 'ere leg ain't too clever in the snow.

Sunday and the thaw started - went up to 8°C at the Three Counties Showground . . . which is where I ended up today.