Blimey - Moonshiners on bikes.   Andy's MZ - my B31 - Nigel's Valkyrie - Gaz's Guzzi

Monday was spent shortening the side stand on the MZ - then curry time at the Jolly Sailor

Tuesday was medication review time - so that will be a blood test later in the week then.

Wednesday and I bought a replacement tablet ( the computer kind ), then took an open hole flute

in for repair.  It was sold as being in perfect working order . . . . .my £85 repair bill says otherwise.


Thursday was another do nothing sort of day.


Friday and it was blood test time, then a few hours were spent rendering old video files.


Saturday was spent twixt computer and garage.


Sunday and it was off to the cafe, then on to the rally site - which has dried out considerably.

With any luck, we should be OK for our rally on Friday.

Next stop was dinner at Bewdley . . . .where this Boris Johnson chappie was wandering about.  ( I didn't hear a splash, so I suppose he's ok )