Just messing around on the computer for paintwork ideas for the TCT - it's easier on the computer . . . . I still hate bloody painting.

Monday saw me out on the Goldie picking up a few essential items from Oldbury.

Tuesday was another paint brush day.

Wednesday and I took the MZ to collect my prescription . . . which wasn't ready . . .come back tomorrow.

Thursday and I took the MZ to collect my prescription . . .which wasn't ready . . . again.

Friday and I did my shopping - then took the Goldie to collect my prescription . . . which was ready and waiting.

It was only ready and waiting 'cos I'd phoned the doctors . . . .who had forgot to forward the prescription  following my "over the phone medical review" earlier.


Saturday and I reckon the last coat of yellow has gone on the TCT.


Sunday saw me doing a little more fettling on the TCT - the headlight rim this time.