Moonshiners MCC


A chuffin' good rally

16th - 18th March.  2012

Well folks - this is the first club rally I've done since the accident back in 2009.

How did it go ? . . . . . . . read on.

   Seeing as I still can't camp - it's a tad difficult to get in and out of a tent when you can't even get on the floor to start with - I'd got a room booked.  Or so I thought.  Seems there had been some kind of cock up regarding who had booked what.  Well colour me surprised !

   Eventually it did get sorted out - by which time I  had sat long enough in the pub for the pain in my leg to be more than annoying.  I scoffed a few painkillers and disappeared until around half past ten that evening. . . . and that put paid to Friday.

    Now on the Saturday, most folks catch the train to Bridgnorth and walk around the town visiting as many pubs as they can find.  I can't even walk to the station, let alone around the town, so I had brekky and decided to take a few photographs.  For the first time ever, the battery on my Pentax had gone totally flat.  Ah well, I'll find something else to do - such as climb on the trike and go for a ride.  My ride ended up back home, where I did a bit of work in the garage, put my camera battery on charge and promptly caught up on the sleep which I didn't get last night.  I dodged the rain and ended up back at the rally site by around ten o'clock.  Once again, Andy M had smuggled a birthday cake in the pub.  There are three club members with birthdays within a few days of each other, so it was a sort of multiple celebration affair.

   Of course, certain musical instruments had to be waved around.  I went to play Andy's guitar and leaned slightly forward in order to rest it on my left leg.  It was then I discovered something else I can't do due to this injury - there was no way I could  hold the guitar without  the pain in my leg getting worse - also, you can't sing when you are in pain ( OK - so I couldn't sing before ).  Now I know how some of you must have felt when listening to me.

   By around midnight I was back in bed - not one of the best Saturday nights I've ever had.

    Sunday morning and the rain had come to visit us.  I downed brekky and struggled into my waterproofs - another first since the accident.  I said my goodbyes and hit the road.  The rain more or less stopped within a few miles, and around an hour later I was home.  First thing - more painkillers and lie down for an hour or two. 

   So ended my first post-accident rally.  One word summed it up for me "pain".  It prevented me from doing what I wanted, it stopped me from enjoying the weekend and it's still bloody annoying me now.  To the best of my knowledge the rally went as well as ever - it would be nice to see someone else's take on things, but as ever . . . . don't  hold your breath.






    Ah - I've just been given a list of who won what . . . . so here we go.



Long distance male  -  Moz  -  225 miles


Long distance female  -  K Holmes  -  164 miles


Club turnout  -  Toads and Dogends


Best bike  -  Martin Walker  - GS1000


Rat bike  -  Phil Kirk  -  GPX


Best trike  -  Bob Cropper  -  Reliant