7-9 NOV ‘04 

    The forecast was to be cold but dry, that's enough to get me out on my bike in November!
I set off, bike duly packed, around lunchtime and popped in to a customers, in Stonehouse, on the way.



    I arrived at The Tunnel Inn at about 3pm I suppose, and the first Moonshiner to arrive, had a happy reunion with Kim and then set to, to get my tent up.



    Tent up, I couldn't resist taking a photo of the beautiful, autumnal view across the field……..
Soon after that Gord arrived, and soon after that Little Roy rolled up, along with Kev & Linda.
A few hours later there was a few more of us and we joined the throng to part on in the pub and marquee until the wee small hours. Good disco, nice boogie, loads of ale! 


    Saturday morning rolled around and it was still cool and dry, so after breakfast many a Moonshiner was to be found strolling around Cirencester, you know…. In and out of charity shops, that kind of thing!
Returning to the site we found that a good number more bodies had arrived and filled the field. We once again found ourselves in good company for the evening, which we spent mainly in the marquee, amusing ourselves as one does at a rally…………
    It was after another good evening that the last 5 of the Shiners found themselves the last ones standing on the field, retiring at 3.45am after medallions (!) of hot chocolate (ask Alan) and a certain amount of tittering around Little Roy’s tent.
    On Sunday morning the Toads announced the raffle winners and presented the trophies, due to their normal tradition of all being too pissed to care on Saturday night – Hoorah!
Gord picked up a special award from Compo, not sure what for but probably not map reading.
    As we packed up and wended our collective way home, via a trout feeding session at Bibury, the natural end to another good weekend forced itself upon us. A great rally enjoyed by all, thanks Toads, beer was dear but we know you are dealing with that for the future, no other moans! 

Your roving reporter                          Kath3dooks