Sleek - powerful - dynamic - fast - streamlined  - - - - - -  and behind it you can see an aeroplane.

Monday and the Guzzi did a bit of "Café Crawling"   - The Kabin at Kinlet and Dom's Bike Stop

Tuesday and I find the barrel studs have stripped the thread in the Bantam engine.

Wednesday evening saw me torturing folks at the Swan acoustic night.

Thursday was a laid back sort of a do nothing day.

Friday and the Bantam got a few Helicoils fitted and is all happy again.

Speaking of Bantams - Saturday was the Bantam Club AGM at RAF Cosford.



Sunday the Drifter went out for dinner ( and apple pie and custard ) - then I loaded up the TCT ready for Cornwall in the morning.

Click on the above video for today's outings.