Taking in a bit of the Hipster culture at "The Baffle Haus"     -    It's something a bit different, and worth the ride there.


Monday saw me heading back from Kington 'cos of the rain.

I'm going to have to go back there soon  . . . .  I forgot to pay for my camping. 


Tuesday and I had the pleasure of paying £69 for driving through Bristol in my Bongo last February.

"Clean air" indeed. . . . . . just another legal scam.


Wednesday saw me paying out even more money - the garage rent is now twelve months in credit.


Thursday was spent doing some relaxing electrical therapy on the A10.

Mainly the switch gear and the charging system.


Friday was a day of nothing-ness.


Saturday saw the Bullet going for a 212 mile jaunt around Wales.

Calling in at The Baffle Haus for a cuppa.



Sunday was supposed to be a ride into mid Wales - but the weather scuppered that plan.

Took the A65 down the café for dinner.