The TCT stops for dinner at The Silver Fox Cafe.


Monday saw me finishing off the Francis Barnett from last week  -  and it now runs.

Tonight's curry was at The Yew Tree.


Tuesday saw me saying farewell to Stan.


Wednesday was one of those days where I just wanted to ride for the sheer enjoyment of it . . .  so that's what I did.



Thursday saw me giving the TCT a bit of a once over following yesterday's ride.


Friday and I become a Pedalophile . . . . OK, an electric Pedalophile, but it's still a push bike.


Saturday's exciting event was a stolen car being left up by my garage.

The police took a look, and by half past seven it was trailered away.


Sunday was the show at Cleobury Mortimer.

I took the A10 - but brekky first at The Kabin, then dinner later on at The Food Stop.