A few of the Black Country & Shropshire Royal Enfield Group at Hampton Loade station.

Monday, and I suppose the most exciting event was taking the MZ to The King Arthur for a curry.

Tuesday saw me going on a wasted journey to the doctors.

The text message said "at the Stone Cross Medical Centre" . . . when it was supposed to be a telephone appointment.


Wednesday and a telephone call from Ark Racing told me the A65 was all sorted out.


Thursday and the A65 comes back home.  I still have my doubts about the drive belt they are using.

Took the Bullet to the BC & S RE group meeting at the Food Stop Café   -  got bloody soaked.


Friday, and to cut a long story short - the drive belt on the A65 failed again.

Thanks to Andy for bringing my Bongo and trailer to rescue me.


Saturday and I took the Drifter out - my fourth attempt to get to Ludlow Farm Shop.



Sunday, seeing as the Drifter was at the front of the garage, that was the bike I went out on.