DOT & the Dog Kennel at this year's "Unfrozen Ballsup" rally  -  held near Sleap airfield.

Monday was a tad damp, but I still took a walk up the Spinney for a curry - took the Drifter to The Beehive later.

Tuesday and I get a phone call about the A65

The problem was what I said in the first place - incorrect drive belt.


Wednesday and I treated the Dog Kennel to a new battery and a gas bottle refill.


Thursday and I got the news that another good friend was no longer with us.    RIP  Bob ( Sideshow ) Smith.


Friday and it was off to the Unfrozen Ballsup rally.


Saturday was spent doing a lot of miles, and dodging virtually all of the rain.


Sunday and DOT had a bit of a front wheel problem - I hope it's an easy fix.

Luckily I made it back from the rally OK