Sunday 12th December - 1999.
Pet food run to Colman Hill animal sanctuary.
Almost twenty years ago, I visited the animal sanctuary at Colman Hill and left with a rather large black dog, the rest, as they say, his history.
Well, things have come full circle. The Moonshiners and a few others made a return trip this weekend, taking along with them three trailer loads of assorted dog food.
The weather wasn't what you would call brilliant, in fact it was abysmal. Horrible cold rain and a strong wind. Even that didn't deter the determined (crazy) bikers from setting off.
By one o clock, we had loaded up, and were ready for the off.
Click on the thumbnail images for the full size pictures.
Jackie and Penny, who 'keep' the Rising Sun had kindly allowed us to place a collection box on the bar. Many thanks to you both. Jackie decided to come with us on the run, and hopped aboard Roy's Metro engined trike. All in all, considering the weather, we had an excellent turnout.
A few of the bikes / trikes at Colman Hill.
A few strong arms and one wheelbarrow later, and we had a veritable mountain of dog food.
How much food can one dog eat ?
The folks at Colman Hill kindly filled us with tea and coffee and asked us that question loved by perverts everywhere- "Would you like to see some puppies?" --- "Certainly. Would you like a sweetie?" came the reply :-)
Of course, we just *had* to stop by at the Rising Sun on the way back - only to get dry and warm, you understand.
Let's all stand round the fire shall we ?
Even back at the Rising Sun you are not safe from canine attack !
Kath was standing minding her own business when someone threw a Staffordshire Bull terrier at her. Ouch - caught her full in the face.
Don't believe me - - ? Look below.
"Did I duck ? - no such luck - caught me fair and square."
What can I say ?
The idea for this pet food run only came about a few weeks earlier when myself and Kath were discussing the dogs we once had. The idea of a pet food run seemed *right*, so Kath made enquires at Colman Hill. Even better, the folks that run the place are bikers, well, he owns a new Triumph even if running the sanctuary gives him precious little time for riding it. With only a few weeks before the 12th December ( which was the only 'free' weekend they had at Colman Hill ) the struggle was on to get as much dog food as possible. Jackie, Penny and all the 'locals' at the Rising Sun were generous, to say the least. The collection box on the bar took the best part of £75 - or so I've been told. I asked around a few 'sources' and had half a trailer full of donations. What a response - thanks again folks. Even people that are not club members came along on the run - one person even risking the rain despite a rather nasty cold !
It certainly bought back memories for me, visiting Colman Hill.
Good job it was raining :-) { Stop that ! sentimental old fool }
There are plans afoot, as they say, for another similar event next year, preferably when the weather is a damn sight better.
So once again, I would like to thank all those that had a hand in what I hope is the first of many Moonshiners pet food runs.
The local paper, the Express and Star carried the following snippet of 'good news' about bikers - for a change :-)
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