Rhayader - again - would you believe it ?
25th - 28th May - 2007
Once again a fair few of us decided to head for Rhayader - so without further ado, I loaded the Enfield up ( yep, I'm on two wheels for a change ) and took a most enjoyable ride down to the Elan Valley. There's something about riding a lazy single cylinder bike that appeals to me. Probably because I've got the same outlook as the bike - why rush ? To me the journey is as important as actually getting there. It seems quite a few folk had the same idea as us - I'd not seen the site as crowded as that before. I set up the tent, then headed straight for the Mountain Road with my camera in hand.
A jolly little stream up by the Mountain Road
A vain attempt to drown the Enfield.
The kind of bike that looks better in the dark.
By the time I had returned from my little photographic adventure most of the Moonshiners had set off for the pub, no nothing new there then :) I decided the best thing to do was join 'em. I took one look at the pub they were in and chose to go elsewhere. I ain't a great fan of noisy, packed pubs, so it was a quiet couple of pints in the Bear's Head for me and young Will. I noticed the main road had been closed off later in the evening - hmm, now I hope they open it for tomorrow morning seeing as I will be heading that way.
Saturday morning, and today's plan involved a trip up the Devil's Staircase, then on to the coast for dinner, before heading back to Devil's Bridge and the Mountain Road back round the dams. Everything actually went to plan - myself and Will being the only two people who decided to take this particular trip. I enjoyed myself that much that I never even bothered with going down the pub later. By around three in the morning the rain had set in - and it was the kind of rain that showed no sign of letting up. I gave it until around dinner time then reluctantly decided to pack away and head for home. . . . and so ended another holiday weekend. Despite the rain I still enjoyed the ride back, but I have to say by the time I got home my feet were frozen. Still, that's the British Summer for you.
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