The elusive spark.
Without the "spark of life" it just won't work, as Dr. Frankenstein found out when he created his monster. Be it monster or motorcycle, without the vital spark, it will just be another ornament.
Obvious but easily missed on newer Jap bikes. Has someone pulled the plug caps off, and just left them resting on top of the plug?
Are the H-T ( plug leads ) attached to the coil?
Remove the plugs and rest them on top of the cylinder head. Turn the engine over, with the ignition switched on. You should get a healthy spark and a "click" from each plug.
If you have removable plug caps, unscrew them and hold the H-T lead ¼" from the head. Once again, you should get a good spark.
Check that the points are opening and closing. Remove the wire from the points and "dab" it to earth. If you get a spark when you earth the wire, then the points are at fault. If you don't get a spark, then it looks like the coil may be down.